Gifted and Duped Unusuals

                                  Gifted and Duped Unusuals
Some unusual traders freak out whenever they hear these words.  Don’t be frightened because they don’t automatically make your unusual worthless.


Duped usually doesn't affect unusuals under 3 buds in pricing but that doesn't mean it doesn't affect unusuals. A lot of beginner/newbie traders won’t even touch duped unusuals or will want a significant less price if yours is duped.  

Duped is just a tag that freaks out many new traders so for that reason take account if you're buying a duped item it may take longer to sell than others. I’ve missed quite a few great deals just because my item was duped but do not lead that to you not buying duped unusuals.
Some people will not even care if yours is duped because they don’t care about that miniscule wording. And if people want your unusual badly enough they will buy it at full price. I sold my Stormy TC for 8.buds pure when it was only around 5.5 buds  and was offered almost 9 in unusuals. People didn’t care whether it was duped or not if your hat has mass appeal people will buy it regardless.
Though items like a veil where most of them are duped make drop a 5 bud veil to possibly 4-4.5 or none at all. It really just depends on the buyer.
To Sum it Up: If your buying a duped item at a great price buy it then or just try to ask for a few keys lower and say it’s “duped.” Though duped doesn't lower unusuals under 2 buds most of the time. It will drive away new traders as they will be scared to touch them.
If you're going up the 6 bud mark, duped could affect your unusual by 1 bud or 10% off the price. As your unusual starts to be worth more duped may have more of an impact on it. If you have desirable hat at around 6 buds though I woudn’t see duped affecting it more than 5 keys.
It really depends on that hat as a stormy storm TC duped may not be as bad as a Scorching Plumbers Pipe duped. As TC is way more desirable.

Checking whether Duped or Not

If your on a server you usually can do !bp if it allows and go into that person inventory and hover over the the item and click history. If there is a red rectangle with the text this item is duplicated then its duped.

If your not on a server or the server doesn't have !bp try friending them or go into their profile or just buy clicking the history of their item that they listed on classified. Just go into their inventory and click the history and if their is a red rectangle with the words The item is duplicated then it is duped.

Gifted unusuals. That tiny tag on your unusual can cut your unusual 30% -50 % off usually. People just don’t like that tag and will stray far away if its on your unusual.
I would say if you're buying a gifted unusual to resell take around 60% off depending on high desirable the hat is. If it is really desirable hat like a 1/1 Burning TC people will obviously be able to overlook it and buy your hat for maybe even full.
Some people just don’t care about gifted, they will offer the same amount as a regular one. Though, reselling gifted items will usually take a lot longer because a lot of traders trade for profit not to keep. Unless you plan to keep the item I wouldn't buy gifted at anywhere close to full price.

End Line
Try not to buy gifted unusuals unless your getting a great great deal on them but if you are minus at least around 60% to ensure you're getting profit for your troubles. As it will be usually be  harder to sell and sold for cheaper in the long run.


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